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Monkey plot

Rose, O., Ponce, C.R. A concentration of visual cortex-like neurons in prefrontal cortex. Nat Commun 15, 7002 (2024).

Generated images

Mueller KN, Carter MC, Kansupada JA, and Ponce CR. Macaques recognize features in synthetic images derived from ventral stream neurons, PNAS, 2023


Wang B and Ponce CR, On the level sets and invariance of neural tuning landscapes, NeurIPS 2022 Workshop

Schematic of tuning landscape

Wang B and Ponce CR, Tuning landscapes of the ventral stream, Cell Reports, 2022


Wang B and Ponce CR, High-performance Evolutionary Algorithms for Online Neuron Control, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2022

generated monkey

Bardon, Xiao, Ponce, Livingstone and Kreiman, Face neurons encode nonsemantic features, PNAS, 119 (16) e2118705119 (2022).


Rose, Johnson, Wang and Ponce, Visual prototypes of the ventral stream are attuned to complexity and gaze behavior, Nature Communications, 12, 6723, 2021.

gan latent space

Wang B and Ponce CR, A Geometric Analysis of Deep Generative Image Models and Its Applications. In Proc. International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021.


Arcaro MJ, Ponce CR, Livingstone M. The neurons that mistook a hat for a face. Elife. 2020; 9:e53798. Published 2020 Jun 10.


Ponce CR, Xiao W, Schade PF, Hartmann TS, Kreiman G, and Livingstone MS (2019) Evolving images for visual neurons using a deep generative network reveals coding principles and neuronal preferences, Cell. 2019 May 2;177(4):999-1009


Ponce CR, Lomber SG, Livingstone MS. (2017) Posterior inferotemporal cortex cells use multiple visual pathways for shape encoding. J. Neurosci. May 10;37(19):5019-5034.


Ponce CR, Lomber SG, Born RT. (2008) Integrating motion and depth via parallel pathways. Nat Neurosci. Feb; 11(2):216-23.