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Lab Members

Carlos R. Ponce

Carlos Ponce, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor
carlosathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu

Carlos is interested in how different brain regions interact to solve motion processing and visual object recognition, asking this question via a combination of electrophysiology, reversible deactivation and microstimulation techniques as well as computational modeling. He received his M.D-Ph.D. from Harvard Medical School and his Bachelor of Science from the University of Utah. He is originally from Chihuahua, Mexico.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Will Clark

William Clark

Postdoctoral Fellow
william_clarkathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu

I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Ponce Lab at the department of Neurobiology. My background is in avian neuroscience, trying to understand the organization and function of the bird brain and compare its circuits with the mammal cortex. I received my doctoral training at the University of Otago in New Zealand and worked as a postdoc at Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany. My main research focus is on the brains core object recognition systems in birds and primates. Outside of the lab, I love sprinting, hiking and mix as a DJ. Listen here!

Giordano Ramos

Luis Giordano Ramos Traslosheros Lopez

Postdoctoral research fellow

Graduate Students

Cristine Kalinski

Cristine Kalinski

Graduate Student

Research Technician

Elizabeth Cleaveland

Elizabeth Cleaveland

Research technician
Nya Weems

Nya Weems

Research technician


Alireza A. Dehaqani

Alireza Dehaqani

Associate in Neurobiology
Till Hartmann

Till Hartmann

Antonio Montanaro

Antonio Montanaro

Visiting graduate student
Binxu Wang

Binxu Wang

I'm Binxu Wang, a graduate student in the Neuroscience program (at Washington University). I got my undergrad training in theoretical physics at Yuanpei College in Peking University, and I was working with computational neuroscientist Louis Tao. Deeply enchanted by the beauty and power of geometry in Theoretical Physics, I believe it will play an important role in understanding the neural code. Currently, I'm trying to leveraging tools from geometry, optimization, and machine learning to study the visual brain. I'm interested in understanding the visual representations in the monkey brain, neural networks, and generative models. I believe that the union of theory, computation, and experiments will advance our understanding of the brain and mind. 

When not in lab, I do some fun coding projects,  read novels, and make 3d art!

Victoria Zhang

Victoria Zhang

Victoria is a Ph.D candidate student in Computer Science and she is dedicated to the study of human and machine intelligence and vision. Her research sets out to identify brain-wide visual organizing principles and determine if these principles are shared by learning-based models of the ventral stream (convolutional neural networks, CNNs). Victoria received her B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science and B.S. in Electrical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. When not in the lab, she enjoys water-color painting, hiking and teaching her cockatiel Ashe singing and cool tricks.


Alessandro Armitano

Alessandro Armitano

Master's student
Mary Burkemper

Mary Burkemper

Research technician

Mary graduated with her B.S. in Animal Science from the University of Missouri, Columbia in 2017 where her studies focused on using swine models from human research. In 2019, she graduated with her M.S. in Animal Science from The Ohio State University where her research focused on animal behavior, welfare, and health; specifically, finding practical pain management options for livestock. Soon after graduation, she joined the Ponce lab where they first started at Washington University in St. Louis. She is excited to continue working with the Ponce lab as they transition to Harvard Univerity. Mary has a passion for research, a fondness for all creatures, and a love for the outdoors. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, playing sports, gardening, and spending time with her friends and family.

Ivan Hernandez

Ivan Hernandez

Ivan_Hernandezathms [dot] harvard [dot] edu
James K. Johnson

James Johnson

Postdoctoral fellow
Jeevun Kansupada

Jeevun Kansupada

Chandana Kuntala

Chandana Kuntala

Undergraduate intern
Andre Longon

Andre Longon

Visiting master's student

I would like to understand how neural networks compute and represent visual information.  I am more familiar with artificial neural networks in computer vision, but collaboration with the Ponce Lab will teach me the biology of vision.  I am excited to make connections between these two perspectives and help support their burgeoning symbiotic relationship.  My background is in computer science with a B.S. from the University of Louisiana.  I am pursuing a M.S. in computer science at Louisiana State University.



Katherine Mueller

Katherine Mueller

Research technician
Sabrina Pires

Sabrina Pires

Undergraduate researcher
Sam Price

Sam Price

sampricestudioatgmail [dot] com

Sam graduated from Cornell University with a BFA and a Minor in Architecture in May 2021. He is a multimedia artist exploring perception's role in the creative process and in conveying and understanding the intrapersonal experience. Sam conceptualizes future possibilities and questions regarding direct expression of thought. Inspired by the visual language of pattern recognition, he references pareidolia, surreal automatism, dreams, and artificial neural networks in his practice.


link to thesis video, based on a collaboration with the lab

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