Lab Members
Postdoctoral Fellows

William Clark

I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Ponce Lab at the department of Neurobiology. My background is in avian neuroscience, trying to understand the organization and function of the bird brain and compare its circuits with the mammal cortex. I received my doctoral training at the University of Otago in New Zealand and worked as a postdoc at Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany. My main research focus is on the brains core object recognition systems in birds and primates. Outside of the lab, I love sprinting, hiking and mix as a DJ. Listen here!

Luis Giordano Ramos Traslosheros Lopez
Graduate Students

Cristine Kalinski
Research Technician

Elizabeth Cleaveland

Nya Weems

Alireza Dehaqani

Till Hartmann
Antonio Montanaro

Binxu Wang
I'm Binxu Wang, a graduate student in the Neuroscience program (at Washington University). I got my undergrad training in theoretical physics at Yuanpei College in Peking University, and I was working with computational neuroscientist Louis Tao. Deeply enchanted by the beauty and power of geometry in Theoretical Physics, I believe it will play an important role in understanding the neural code. Currently, I'm trying to leveraging tools from geometry, optimization, and machine learning to study the visual brain. I'm interested in understanding the visual representations in the monkey brain, neural networks, and generative models. I believe that the union of theory, computation, and experiments will advance our understanding of the brain and mind.
When not in lab, I do some fun coding projects, read novels, and make 3d art!

Victoria Zhang
Victoria is a Ph.D candidate student in Computer Science and she is dedicated to the study of human and machine intelligence and vision. Her research sets out to identify brain-wide visual organizing principles and determine if these principles are shared by learning-based models of the ventral stream (convolutional neural networks, CNNs). Victoria received her B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science and B.S. in Electrical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. When not in the lab, she enjoys water-color painting, hiking and teaching her cockatiel Ashe singing and cool tricks.